woman, life, freedom

Romina Abedi

This project was created based on my questions about birth, and my thinking about birth included concepts such as death, life, as well as parallel worlds which is expressed in these paintings. The remarkable thing in these paintings is a part of painting that was added and painted by a child. the approach of this project is philosophical and psychological. its style is a compilation of realism and childishness. The canvas size is 100X70. Its technique is acrylic.

A woman who is painted in these paintings is a symbol of all women who have been deprived of their inalienable right to life and have no choice in their lives as if they have no legs and are only responsible for giving birth to others and has no right to other aspects of life. femininity is the power I drew it in a galaxy that is always creating and destroying. As I mentioned, both women in these paintings are captives of the umbilical cord and fetus in the womb, so we see a free behavior of the child who has painted on these painting in contrast to this captivity. A stone grave and empty graves dug like a chess board and also some chess pieces with planets in the galaxy show a strange state of the universe which is in my mind.

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